I'm home now. Only after four months out in the mission field and now I am home. Why? The only way anyone can complete a mission is if they have the Holy Ghost with them. As I was out in the field I didn't have it. I was trying to complete my mission but that was the problem. It wasn't my mission, I was on a mission for the Lord. On my mission I didn't take any notice to how much the spirit affects the work, but It is everything.
While preparing for my mission I did everything that I could to get ready to leave home for two years, but there were a few things that I overlooked. Thats why I am home now. Thats why I have to start getting ready to leave on a mission all over again. This post doesn't have any spiritual doctrine in it, or anything about the church, this post is just me. I am so sad that I am home. I loved my mission and I can't wait for the day when I can get back out there. Please if any of you have any questions just let me know. Comment on the post and ask any question you want to. I am going to continue my blog while talking about my everyday life and how the gospel has been able to help me while not in a missionary setting. I hope that my blog helps you out in any way and if there is anything that you would like me to write about just comment and I will do my best, I'm not perfect by any means. No one is, but with Christ's help we can all work towards perfection.